Many of us belong to AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals), an international group of 30,000 professionals in 200 chapters around the world. We can share ideas, learn new and best practices, and network for a modest fee. But we can also help our organizations and ourselves by associating with AFP's ethics program.
Their ethics documents, publications, and seminars enable us to be "more ethical" fundraisers. Some of the public don't think "ethics" and "fundraising" go together. AFP not only proves the two terms work together but also are essential for an organization's success in the marketplace today.
AFP's Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, the Donor Bill of Rights, The Accountable Nonprofit Organization, and the International Statement of Ethical Principles are strongly guidelines insuring best ethical practices for our organizations and our donors. Share these documents when relevant with your boards, staff, and donors. Print them on your documents and publish them on your website. Use them as the basis for staff and board workshops.
We have seen in the past that unethical organizational behaviors do harm to the entire sector, cause donors to become untrusting, and take a lot of effort and time to overcome...if ever.
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11 years ago