Monday, July 13, 2009

Boating & Fundraising

navigation markerImage by yewenyi via Flickr

In my "down time," my wife and I like to spend quality hours in our boat Georgia Lady. Studying boat handling, seamanship, and navigation over the years, I have learned some things useful in fundraising. First, you must have a clear plan and share that plan with your crew; even if that plan just addresses docking and undocking and the crew's responsibilities.

Second, if you're headed out, do you know where you are going and how long the trip will take? Is it a cruise or a day trip? Chart, supplies, fuel?

Third, you should always be prepared to make mid-course corrections in case of weather, traffic, low water, or other challenges.

Finally, again fully communicate with crew and others your plans, changes, and goals. A voyage with a fully-trained crew can be a beautiful day on the water. The opposite can be disaster! The same can be said for a campaign. PLAN, COMMUNICATE, AND EXECUTE!

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