Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Middle School Students...A unique and challenging age

Middle School Field Hockey
A picture of Richards Middle School in Columbu...

Middle School Students...A unique and challenging age

I taught middle school science classes for one year, as I was completing doctoral classes at the University of Georgia.  I worked hard to stay ahead of them and on top of their challenges.  Never a dull moment.

I also had two middle school children of my own, a daughter and a son.  When they hit middle school, hormones were raging, feelings were running full tilt, and we rode the waves of emotions together.

Two recent events brought my mind back to those experiences.

First, the video of the bus monitor driven to tears from the taunts of middle school students about her weight and age.  The video caused numerous donors to send her over $640,000 to retire.

Second, middle school students visiting the 9-11 Memorial recently threw drinks, cups, and trash into the reflecting pool and said they were just "bored."  

Both incidents show a failure on the part of parents, teachers, administrators, and society.  Of course, the young people share in this blame but they must have strong behavioral foundations and examples to learn from and follow.

We are losing civility in every part of our society due to the lack of strong parenting and support by teachers and administrators.  Middle school students are not inherently bad....energetic, often rude, managed by hormones...but most can be caring individuals when inspired by strong exemplars.

When parents and teachers focus on their true responsibilities, most middle school children can survive those years and grow to be good adults.  Otherwise, they are devils in disguise! 
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Dr Bob Exley, accepts Mathison Award 01
Dr Bob Exley, accepts Mathison Award 01 (Photo credit: Larry Miller)
Official seal of Boaz
Official seal of Boaz (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homecoming 2010 at Snead State Community Colle...
Homecoming 2010 at Snead State Community College 24 (Photo credit: Larry Miller)

I spent yesterday morning with Dr. Bob Exley, President of Snead State Community College in Boaz, Alabama.  The night before was spent in the best Hampton Inn in the world (my humble opinion) on Guntersville Lake, home of many top-flight fishing tournaments.  The hotel has a commanding view from its perch above the lake and a great seafood restaurant...Wintzell's Oyster House.  

The portico of the hotel was populated by a flock of barn swallows, attaching themselves to the ceiling and beams like bats.  Just don't walk slowly under them or park your car in their vicinity!

Back to Snead State...founded in 1898 as a Methodist Episcopal seminary.  John Snead. a Boaz businessman, provided land, money, and leadership to the seminary.  Now Snead State is a dynamic community college with strong academic programs, very reasonable costs, and a unique setting on a beautiful campus.  Dr. Exley and his team are providing outstanding leadership, including a long-range campus master plan that will soon result in a pedestrian campus with up-to-date facilities.  Classes available on campus (including evenings) and on-line for students' convenience.

At Cargill Associates we have always said that community colleges are the nation's true bargain in education, providing easy access for millions to a diversity of associate degrees and a strong start to further educational opportunities.  We hope to be strategic partners with President Exley and Snead State in the near future!

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